Saturday, 27 April 2013

the Courage to go

After I alighted from the bus, it was about 0650, which is still quite dark in Singapore. I alighted and I saw the dread of every morning. The overhead bridge that I need to cross to go to the other side of the road where a bus stop is located so I can go to school. It was the fastest way and the only way I can go to school and not be late and get booked.

However, today is a special day. Why, my schoolmate that lives in my neighbourhood did not the take the same bus I did and could not accompany me across. It is not like she could choose, she just had to or she would be late too. 

We were not the best of friends, we often ignore each other and acknowledge each other's presence by walking in front of them. It was not like I am unfriendly, it is just a special type of friendship that formed and evolved.


Simply, walk towards it, raise you foot, rest on the first step. Raise you other foot, rest it on the second step...

I saw other people hesitating too. The overhead bridge was kind of sheltered. Whatever THEY are afraid of, I am more scared of the supernatural than getting kidnapped or something. Fear of the Unknown.

But something pushed me ahead and I started up the steps of the overhead bridge. Mumbling something to myself that helped me keep my cool.

"If every one, including you, is fearful, then be the courage of others."

And just like that I crossed the road, telling myself to be the courage of others. And as other crossed the bridge too, it was like this "Courage Web" that made every one feel safe, all because someone started the courage rolling.

Even if you are alone, you can do this. Because by doing something you are scared of, you are being the courage of others. Or at least, yourself. You are the courage of yourself. You-ception? 

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Do something that scares you every day."

Don't do things recklessly, but from that, gain experience and live to your fullest.

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Thinks this is insane? Well, show me what you think should be sanity then!